Login to control your ticker
(Only for Weight Loss tickers)



Choose your Ticker Types
Vacation Countdown
Birthday Countdown
Weight Loss
Wedding Countdown
Anniversary Countdown
Other Events (General)
Weight Loss Tickers

 Step Three Step Three: Input Text

This weight loss ruler can track your weight loss towards your goal. Display your progress in pounds or kilograms.

Choose a Password/Pin:
Please select a secret password or pin. This pin will be used to update your ticker (when you weigh yourself next) and protect its settings.
You can protect your setup and past data to be viewed using your PIN. Note that if you lose your PIN you will not be able to access any data.
 Private Data
 Public Data
This setting controls what is displayed on your ticker. Weight Change displays your weight loss. Weight displays your weight directly.
 Weight Change

Weight Measurements
Weight Units:
Your target weight: lbs
Your starting weight: lbs
Your current weight: lbs

Waist Measurements
Waist Units:
Your target waist: in
Your starting waist: in
Your current waist: in

Body Mass Index (BMI) - Optional 
Height Units:
Your Height:  ft   in

Text above the ticker (optional):

Left side photo (optional):

Image must be in .jpg format and recommended filesize is less than 100KB and 600 pixels.

Go back to Step One -- choose a background.
Go back to Step Two -- select a slider.

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