Discover tomorrow's technology today at this hands-on exposition of the world's newest products and inventions that activate the imagination and renew our hope for a better tomorrow.. Guests visit the house of the future, explore cyberspace, test the latest developments in computers and discover the latest breakthroughs in virtual reality and communications. Innoventions continuously transforms itself to represent the ever-changing world of technology.
Guests to Epcot can now experience a Segway™ Human Transporter (HT) for themselves, firsthand, at World Showcase before the area opens for other park guests. Innoventions has featured the first public display of the Segway HT since 2002.
The "Simply Segway" experience is a one-hour program that gives guests a product overview, training and indoor riding time at Epcot's Innoventions area.
Innoventions East
House of Innoventions
View the latest home advancements that provide easier, more
convenient and greener living! Discover home appliances and
products that change the way we live, work and play – imagine
creating fresh water from thin air,
powering your home with its
own wind turbine or using
state of the art kitchen and
bathroom products to streamline your daily chores! 15 minute tour.
The Sum of All Thrills
Coming soon! Discover
your “inner engineer”
when you design and
experience your own
thrilling ride! Presented
by Raytheon Company
Don't Waste It!
Compete with your team to discover how to
reduce, reuse, and recycle the waste you create
every day. Pilot a mini-trash truck through
interactive games that
allow you to “recover
the resource” and
save the environment!
Presented by Waste Management, Inc.
Storm Struck
Experience the power of a weather event complete with wind, rain and lightning
while learning how to best prepare your home for impending weather perils. Kids
will enjoy building a storm safety kit and everyone will have
the ability to send home information from the“Weather Safe” kiosks.
Presented by Federal Alliance for Safe Homes
(FLASH) and its partners Renaissance Re,
Simpson Strong Tie and State Farm
Environmentality Corner
Learn important information about how you
can protect and preserve our environment.
An interactive papermaking station allows
children of all ages the chance to learn
about papermaking and even make their
own sample to take home.
Test the Limits Lab
We challenge you to shatter, torture, slam, and drop some
of the products that UL tests every day! Fun for kids of all
ages, this sensory-filled safety testing experience lets you
test the limits of product safety and design just like the UL
engineers do every day!
Presented by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Kim Possible Kidcot Station.
Innoventions West
Slapstick Studios
You are the main attraction at this interactive comedy game show.“What’s Your Problem” challenges you to use your problem-solving
abilities, and the results will have you laughing all
day. Creativity abounds as children of all ages
enjoy designing their own personalized"pet frog" to take home with them!
Presented by the Velcro Companies
The Great Piggy Bank Adventure
An exciting journey that teaches families about the importance of financial planning. The experience, sponsored by T. Rowe Price, combines physical and virtual elements to create fun-filled learning challenges that the entire family can enjoy.
Have you ever imagined being the star of your very own video
game? IBM has designed a new way to play that puts you in the
game at RunTime! Create an avatar that runs, jumps, dances and
looks just like you and then play your way through computing
history. The fun doesn’t have to end
at the finish of the game because you
can email a version home and
continue playing!
Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure
Embark on an international adventure to save the world from
comical villains and their mad inventions. Register at the
Recruitment Center to receive your “Kimmunicator”
and mission assignment that takes you on
an exciting quest throughout the World
Showcase. Follow the clues and “save
the world! More details.
Rockin' Robots
You are the conductor as these four robots take the
stage to create beautiful music. Direct the robo-band
as they use everything from metal chimes, gongs,
crates, and car horns to create music with a beat.
Presented by KUKA
Video Games of Tomorrow
Experience the newest in Disney Interactive video games. You
don’t have to be a kid to get caught up in the excitement! Feel like
you’re a part of the action and experience gaming like you’ve never
seen it before!
Segway Central
Have you seen the world’s first self-balancing, electric powered
personal transportation device? Test a Segway® Personal
Transporter (PT) yourself, and move forward, backward, or stay at
rest on the cutting-edge
alternative to walking.
Presented by Segway®, Inc.
Where's the Fire?
Save the most dangerous house in America by identifying everyday
fire hazards! Small children can “play it safe” in a house designed
specifically to educate them on escape routes and to“stop, drop, cover your face and roll.” Discover
your inner firefighter at the Firefighter Photo
station and send a photo postcard to family
and friends at home or try to become a“Fire Chief” by answering the most questions
correctly at the Burning Questions stations.
Presented by Liberty Mutual Insurance.