Time, materials and styles were compressed into a single combination of city, town and rural atmosphere for the United Kingdom.
Included is a pub in a building reflecting a cluster of periods and different facades. Viewers traveling an informal street will find a 1500s-style thatched-roof cottage, a four-story timber and plaster building, a formal square with a Hyde Park bandstand, a pre-Georgian plaster building and a formal Palladian exterior of dressed stone.
A city square with classic formal facades copies a look found in London and Edinburgh. On other streets are found a regency multi-porched row building, a town gate and clock tower representative of York, a 1400s brick-style house, and a plaster and stone great hall. A promenade shows an exterior facade similar to Hampton Court
The perennial garden to the left side of the United Kingdom pavilion promenade is filled with flowers that attract butterflies and features a chrysalis box housing numerous butterfly chrysalis. These chrysalis actually will remain in the box while they develop into butterflies, and lucky guests may see one in the last stage of development when the butterfly emerges from its chrysalis.
In the herb garden near the replica of Anne Hathaway’s cottage, a variety of herbs including rosemary, parsley, spearmint, chives and sage grow year-round. This is called a knot garden because of the appearance of knots in the hedges. Farther around the corner is a hedge maze, with walls of Japanese yew, a plant often used to create shrub topiaries. Examples of Japanese yew topiaries in traditional geometric shapes are found in front of The Toy Soldier shop on the way to Canada.
Attractions & Live Entertainment
The British Invasion
Pam Brody
World Showcase Players
Mickey Interaction
Rose & Crown Pub and Dining Room
Yorkshire County Fish Shop
Shopping Crown & Crest - Features chess sets, pub & family crest items.
Sportsman's Shoppe - Scottish gifts, tartans, kilts and accessories, knitware.
The Tea Caddy - Specialist English teas such as Twinings and other tea items. Cadbury chocolate and British sweets.
Queen's Table - Specialises in Royal Doulton Fine China and figurines as well as fine fragrances.
The Toy Soldier - Traditional and modern toys & games
Magic of Wales - Welsh gifts, pottery, jewelry, music.
Tips & Fun Facts
The live performers will be happy to pose for a photograph with you.
The city square with classic formal façades copies a look found in London and Edinburgh.
A replica of Hampton Court Palace is featured, along with Anne Hathaway's thatched cottage, Hyde Park, Yorkshire & Regency buildings.
The Rose and Crown bears the Latin motto 'Otium Cum Dignitate' ('Leisure with dignity')
The pavilion represents four time periods, from Tudor to Victorian.
Related Links
Park Map