Animagique is an innovative "black light" show especially created for the Walt Disney Studios Park. It pays tribute to the feature length animated pictures produced by Disney. With the help of giant puppets, ultra violet lighting and various special effects, guests are plunged into a three-dimensional animated film, where they meet Mickey, Donald, the pink elephants from Dumbo andcharacters from Pinocchio, The Jungle Book and The Lion King. Fun and laughter are guaranteed in this enchanting show where imagination meets animation.
Donald goes "quackers"
Guests take their seats in a 1,100-seat theatre. The show begins in the animation studio that leads to the vault where all Disney's animated films are stored. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are working at drawing tables, pencils in hand, working on a scenario. Mickey is overflowing with ideas, whereas poor Donald is at a loss for inspiration. More artist's block than writer's block, Donald just cannot come up with even a small joke, let alone an adventure!
When Mickey leaves, the irrepressible Donald searches for the key to the door of the Disney vault. In a desperate search for inspiration, he unwittingly opens some of the film canisters... and magically lets loose some of the most famous characters of Disney animation!
An animated voyage
The adventure begins with the appearance of a pink baby elephant, as featured in the dream sequence from "Dumbo". Suddenly, the baby elephant grabs Donald and drags him into the film. Donald finds himself in the middle of a musical number performed by four pink elephants, and then alongside King Louie from "The Jungle Book", whose manic monkey friends chase him up a tree. In the next scene, we find Donald splashing down in to the ocean, along with Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket, who arrive on a raft. Suddenly, the huge shadow of Monstro appears, and the small group is swallowed, ending up in the whale’s stomach! Thanks to some quick thinking from Jiminy Cricket, Donald escapes from the ocean depths to the African savannah - the land of "The Lion King".
Donald lands amongst a group of zebras and the giraffes, in the company of Nala, Simba and Rafiki the baboon. The old baboon is confused and seizes Donald as if he were the newborn baby of the royal family, throwing him up in the air as a new adventure begins…
Donald returns, safe and sound, to the vault room, where he quickly closes the door and sits down at his desk. As he sits scribbling away, it seems that Donald's animated adventure has given him all the inspiration he needed for Animagique's exciting finale.