* Show ending September 27, 2008 **
"Pocahontas And Her Forest Friends" is a fun yet thought provoking show set amongst the leafy surroundings of Grandmother Willow's Grove, a 400-seat theatre on the edge on Camp Minnie Mickey. Based on and featuring music from Disney's 'Pocahontas', the show revolves around the destruction of the American forests, and how Native American legend says there is one animal who can save the forests and the animals within. But which one? Grandmother Willow says, "You must ask the animals." And Pocahontas sets out to help her.
Live forest animals take the stage in a nature grove to demonstrate how they can help. There's a prickly porcupine, a possum, a raccoon, a rabbit, wild turkey and an energetic skunk. There's even a very large snake, another of the friends Pocahontas brings on stage to help younger audience members learn more about their animal neighbors. In the end however, Grandmother Willow, Pocahontas and all of her friends discover that the only animal who can protect the forests are those who do it most harm, humans. |