Around the World at Epcot
A guided tour that allows guests to operate a Segway Human Transporter, the two-wheeled, one-person transportation device throughout World Showcase before the area opens for other park guests. Take part in this unique experience of riding through several countries and observing the beautiful architecture from a different point of view. Includes riding lessons and an outdoor adventure around the World Showcase. Class size is limited to 10 guests.
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $99 per person (includes tax)
Days and Times: Daily. Starting at 8:30 am, 9:00 am, and 9:30 am. Access via the character breakfast turnstile, to the far right.
Age Restrictions: Guests must be at least 16 years old and weigh 250 lbs or less. The signature of a parent or legal guardian is required for participants under 18 years of age. Riders should be in good health and able to stand for the duration of the tour.
Discounts: DVC Member discount of 20%. Annual Passholder discount of 15%.
Theme park admission is not included in the price.
Reserve by calling 407-WDW-TOUR (407-939-8687)
Photo ID required
No photos allowed in backstage areas
Reviews & Ratings
All information above is subject to change without notice, please check at time of booking for current information.